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the urban starship 1 km long: 1202 flats, 6133 rooms, 8000 inhabitants, 9 floors, 74 elevators. |
new Corviale" was an urban project planned and builded in the 1970's.and
situated in the S-W part of Rome, near Via Portuense and next to G.R.A.
(the rome's circle highway); the building has 1 km wide and offers 1202
apartments for 8000 people; it develops for 9 floor (plus 2 underfloors)
and it is served by 74 elevators; it's projected to the older suburb of
"casetta mattei" just like a long hand that close the new and the old togheter.
![]() The
staff, composed by 23 designer and coordinated by the Arch. Mario Firoentino,
planned also facilities and non-effective public services, which have never
been completed on the inside of this "town". The building has provided
of an open theater and a big seminar room. It's easy to see in that building
the better solutions planned by Le Corbusier in the 1920s. But the revolutionary
of Corviale was the facilities offered (should be): seminar room, library,
art school, state school (for babies to teenager), pharmacy, covered market,
restaurant with buffet room and self-service, other commercial shops, 5
big green area and more. The facilities offered was so higher than habitants
because it should serve the old suburbs in the area and other future buildings
first stone was posed the 12th May of 1975 but the first apartments were
finished in the 1982; but Corviale was a good target for those poor people
who needed a place where can finally live. In 1983 about 700 families taken
with force the apartments and the same happened again in 1995 for about
200 peruvians but in that case they were convinced by the authorities to
leave it.
The costs: in the beginning (1975) was estimated in about 25 miliard of lires (10,65 milion of dollars); at the end Corviale needed about 91 miliards of lires to be completed (38,70 milion of dollars - 1982). What i can
say of this "experiment"?
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